Category Archives: CRYSTAL BLESSING


spiral of gemstones

Aeolus’ Crystal Oracle

Om                              Om                              Om

We set forth in this time in this place

Our Intention

We call the Highest Angels

All beings of Light and Love

We call forth the Breath of Our Ancestors

Ancient Ones Whose Whispers lead Us

To the Light of Creation and New Beginnings

Be here now, hear Our call.

We call the Spirit of the Eternal Flame

The One that Burns Within

The Fire that Proves the Essence of the Soul

Transforming, Recreating, and Purifying

Burn Bright

Be here now and hear Our Call

We call to the Living Body of Water

That Surrounds us all

Oceans of Feeling, Vast and deep

Wash away sacred water the darkness that disconnects

Clear the illusion that we are separate from each other

Be here now and hear our call

We honor You gifts of Earth

You that we have chosen to be Our message of Peace

We honor You Sacred Crystals

For Choosing Us to be

The Voice of Hope

The Lovers of Peace

And the Vehicle of Change

Brothers and Sisters of Humankind

We give this moment to you

May it be a Blessing of Peace

Every Breath a Prayer of Compassion

For Ourselves and for the Whole World

So it is

So it is

So it is

~~~~ Aeolus Crowlaw ~~~